ABQ PD uses a “partial DNA match” to put the wrong man in jail for 14 months

And here is how they got the wrong guy.

“After settling a lawsuit, the police department changed its procedure. Officers must now explain how strong the DNA match is for any potential suspect before a judge agrees to issue a warrant.”

Full article

Bad construction at NO crime lab messes up criminal cases. This is a newer facility. 

About csidds

Dr. Michael Bowers is a long time forensic consultant in the US and international court systems.
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2 Responses to ABQ PD uses a “partial DNA match” to put the wrong man in jail for 14 months

  1. John Lentini says:

    WTF is a “partial” match? DNA is going to lose its shine because police and DNA “scientists” are trying to take it beyond what is valid. The same thing is happening in fire debris analysis, where some chemists think it’s a good thing to find smaller and smaller quantities of ignitable liquid. One lab director (ASCLD-LAB accredited) went so far as to argue that the criteria for identification og=f gasoline should be relaxed at lower concentrations, just the opposite of what logic dictates.

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