The White House pushes forward on further review of FBI pattern and trace evidence testimony

Hair is gone, lead in bullets is out, bitemarks as “fingerprints” has died, graphology disappeared, so what’s next?


Last fall I had pleasant conversation with Professor (Yale) Jo Handelsman from the White House Office of Sci and Tech. We conversed a bit on the process of what “forensic reform” meant to various stakeholders and gatekeepers who play within the criminal justice industry. I was assured that the WH has been reverse engineering most forensic sciences which led to wrongful convictions and had a broad plan to make effect change within the time limits of President Obama’s presidential term.

Here is a good example of the WH’s planning being highlighted in this next step of scrutiny.

About csidds

Dr. Michael Bowers is a long time forensic consultant in the US and international court systems.
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